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Tenable Research Reveals Nearly Half of Organizations Use Strategic Vulnerability Assessment as Foundation of Cyber Defense

August 8, 2018 · LAS VEGAS

Study of 2,100 organizations reveals global divide in how organizations assess cyber risk

Tenable®, Inc., the Cyber Exposure company, released The Cyber Defender Strategies Report today that uses data science against real-world telemetry data to analyze how 2,100 organizations are assessing their exposure to vulnerabilities, a critical component to improving overall cybersecurity posture. The report shows that nearly 48 percent of organizations globally have embraced strategic vulnerability assessment -- defined as mature or moderately mature programs that include targeted and tailored scanning and prioritizing computing resources based on business criticality -- as a foundational element of their cyber defense and a critical step toward reducing risk. Of those organizations, however, only five percent display the highest degree of maturity, with comprehensive asset coverage as a cornerstone of their programs. On the other end of the spectrum, 33 percent of organizations take a minimalistic approach to vulnerability assessments, doing the bare minimum as required by compliance mandates and increasing the risk of a business-impacting cyber event.

Tenable’s last report, “Quantifying the Attacker’s First-Mover Advantage,” revealed that attackers generally have a median seven-day window of opportunity to exploit a known vulnerability, before defenders have even determined they are vulnerable. The resulting seven-day gap is directly related to how enterprises are conducting vulnerability assessments -- the more strategic and mature the approach, the smaller the gap is likely to be and the lesser the risk to the business.

“In the not too distant future, there will be two types of organizations -- those who rise to the challenge of reducing cyber risk and those who fail to adapt to a constantly evolving and accelerating threat landscape in modern computing environments,” said Tom Parsons, senior director of product management, Tenable. “This research is a call to action for our industry to get serious about giving the advantage back to cyber defenders, starting with the rigorous and disciplined assessment of vulnerabilities as the basis for mature vulnerability management and ultimately, Cyber Exposure.”

Tenable Research analyzed telemetry data for over three months from organizations in more than 60 different countries using data science to identify distinct security maturity styles and strategic insights which can help organizations manage, measure and ultimately reduce cyber risk. The objective was to analyze and ultimately help to improve how defenders are responding.

Key findings include:

There are four distinct strategies of vulnerability assessment:

  • The Minimalist executes bare minimum vulnerability assessments as required by compliance mandates. Thirty-three percent of organizations fall into this category, running limited assessments on only selected assets. That represents a lot of enterprises which are exposed to risk and still have some work to do, with critical decisions to make on which KPIs to improve first.
  • The Surveyor conducts frequent broad-scope vulnerability assessments, but with little authentication and customization of scan templates. Nineteen percent of organizations follow the Surveying style, placing them at a low to medium maturity.
  • The Investigator executes vulnerability assessments with a high maturity, but only assesses selective assets. Forty-three percent follow the Investigative style, indicating a solid strategy based on a good scan cadence, targeted scan templates, broad asset authentication and prioritization. Considering the challenges involved in managing vulnerabilities, securing buy-in from management, cooperating with disparate business units such as IT operations, maintaining staff and skills, and the complexities of scale, this is a great achievement and provides a solid foundation upon which to mature further.
  • The Diligent represents the highest level of maturity, achieving near-continuous visibility into where an asset is secure or exposed and to what extent through high assessment frequency. Only five percent of organizations fall into this category, displaying comprehensive asset coverage, targeted, customized assessments and tailoring scans as required by use case.
  • Across all levels of maturity, organizations benefit from avoiding a scattershot approach to vulnerability assessment and instead making strategic decisions and employing more mature tactics such as frequent, authenticated scans to improve the efficacy of vulnerability assessment programs.

For more information on the research, read the Tenable Research blog post here, https://www.tenable.com/blog/how-mature-are-your-cyber-defender-strategies.

Visit Tenable at Black Hat USA 2018 in Las Vegas (booth 404).

About Tenable
Tenable®, Inc. is the Cyber Exposure company. Over 24,000 organizations around the globe rely on Tenable to understand and reduce cyber risk. As the creator of Nessus®, Tenable extended its expertise in vulnerabilities to deliver Tenable.io, the world’s first platform to see and secure any digital asset on any computing platform. Tenable customers include 53 percent of the Fortune 500, 29 percent of the Global 2000 and large government agencies. Learn more at tenable.com.

Contact Information:
Cayla Baker
[email protected]
443-545-2102, ext. 1544

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استمتع بوصول كامل إلى أحدث عروضنا لفحص تطبيقات الويب المصممة للتطبيقات الحديثة كجزء من منصة Tenable One Exposure Management. افحص الملف الإلكتروني بالكامل لديك بأمان وبدرجة عالية من الدقة دون الحاجة إلى مجهود جسدي قوي أو تعطل تطبيقات الويب المهمة. سجِّل الآن.

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7 أيام مجانًا

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