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Tenable Cyber Watch: N. Korea’s Ransomware Threats Target Hospitals, Romance Cyberscams Net Bad Guys $1.3B, Lessons Learned From The Phishing Attack Against Reddit

This week’s edition of the Tenable Cyber Watch unpacks just how much money romance cyberscams are costing Americans and addresses the U.S. government’s concerns about North Korea’s ransomware threats against hospitals. Also covered: Lessons learned from the phishing attack against social news site Reddit.

Curious to know how much money romance cyberscams cost Americans last year? Looking for guidance on how to best protect your organization from North Korea’s ransomware threats? What are the lessons learned from the recent phishing attack against Reddit?

We’ve got you covered in this week’s edition of the Tenable Cyber Watch, a weekly video news digest highlighting three cybersecurity topics that matter right now. 

Here’s what’s happening in cyber. Today, we’re talking: 

  • All about the romance cyberscams that cost Americans more than $1 billion dollars last year 
  • North Korea’s ransomware threats targeting hospitals. What the U.S. and South Korea want you to know
  • Lessons learned from the phishing attack against social news site Reddit 

Every Monday at 9am ET, the Tenable Cyber Watch brings you cybersecurity news you can use. Watch this week’s episode below and subscribe to our playlist on YouTube.

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