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Enterprise Application Summary

by Stephanie Dunn
October 31, 2016

Enterprise Application Summary Report Screenshot

Using enterprise applications provides the ability for organizations to streamline corporate resources and data, which can assist in supporting organizational growth and mobility demands. Although these applications and services provide a cost-effective method for consolidating corporate systems and data into a centralized location, they can also be vulnerable and exploited if left unmanaged. By leveraging vulnerability data gathered by Tenable Nessus, this report provides a comprehensive look at vulnerabilities detected on enterprise applications and services throughout the network.

The Enterprise Application Summary report provides insight into vulnerabilities associated with common enterprise applications. These services are utilized within organizations to manage virtual servers, collaboration services, using remote desktop, or managing financial investments. Many of these applications and services are vital for business operations, and as a result are often targeted for exploitation. By continuously monitoring enterprise applications for vulnerabilities, organizations can help to ensure critical business operations remain intact.

This report uses the Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) filter to identify vulnerabilities within enterprise software applications and services. According to NIST, the CPE is a structured naming scheme for information technology systems, software, and packages. Based upon the generic syntax for Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI), CPE includes a formal name format, a method for checking names against a system, and a description format for binding text and tests to a name. Tenable assigns CPEs to plugins where appropriate. This allows for analysts to search for common CPE prefixes such as “cpe:/a:adobe:livecycle,” “cpe:/a:microsoft:sharepoint,” and “cpe:/a:oracle:peoplesoft.” Associating CPE strings with vulnerabilities allows the analysts a greater view into separating operating system vulnerabilities from application vulnerabilities, and adds to the level of a vulnerability detail provided to the organization.

Data presented within this report is gathered by active vulnerability scanning with Nessus and passive vulnerability detection with Tenable Passive Vulnerability Scanner (PVS). Organizations will gain valuable insight into existing vulnerabilities on enterprise applications and services across the network. An overview of vulnerabilities from each vendor will provide detailed information on vulnerable hosts. Vulnerabilities are tracked by time, severity, and exploitability in order to provide a more complete view of the security status of the network. This data can be used to identify and mitigate potential threat vectors, as well as improving patch management efforts within the organization.

This report is available in the SecurityCenter Feed, a comprehensive collection of dashboards, reports, Assurance Report Cards, and assets. The report can be easily located in the SecurityCenter Feed under the category Threat Detection & Vulnerability Assessments. The report requirements are:

  • SecurityCenter 5.3.1
  • Nessus 6.8.1
  • PVS 5.1.0

Tenable SecurityCenter provides continuous network monitoring, vulnerability identification, and security monitoring. SecurityCenter is continuously updated with information about advanced threats and zero-day vulnerabilities, and new types of regulatory compliance configuration audit files. Tenable constantly analyzes information from our unique sensors, delivering continuous visibility and critical context, enabling decisive action that transforms your security program from reactive to proactive. Active scanning examines software applications on the systems, running processes and services, detection of vulnerable software applications, configuration settings, and additional vulnerabilities. Continuous vulnerability analysis enables security teams to more effectively tailor remediation efforts. Tenable’s extensive network monitoring capabilities enables a powerful, yet non-disruptive, continuous monitoring of the organization to ensure the latest vulnerability information is provided to analysts.

The following chapters are included in this report:

  • Executive Summary: The Executive Summary chapter provides a high-level overview of vulnerabilities discovered on enterprise applications within the network. Vulnerabilities are tracked by severity, vendor, and time in order to provide a complete look at enterprise applications and services that may be at risk. These services help to protect critical services and infrastructure within an organization, and help to detect and prevent unauthorized users and devices from connecting to internal resources. Using the elements within this report, analysts will be able to quickly identify, remediate, and reduce overall security risks.
  • Vulnerability Status at a Glance: The Vulnerability Status at a Glance chapter provides insight into vulnerabilities detected from enterprise applications and services within the network. Each table included within this chapter provides lists of the enterprise application vulnerabilities detected in the past 7 and 30 days. Each table presents the latest information on relevant vulnerabilities, including plugin, name, family, severity, and total count of vulnerabilities detected. Data presented within this chapter can be modified to include additional host information, and additional details on the detected vulnerability.
  • Critical Vulnerability Information: The Critical Vulnerability Information chapter presents a table of the top critical vulnerabilities detected from enterprise applications and services on the network. Vulnerabilities with a critical severity level are presented and filtered using vendor specific CPE strings, which will highlight vulnerabilities that present the highest level of risk to the organization. Each table is sorted by severity, and includes the plugin name and total number of hosts affected. Using elements within this chapter, security teams can use this element to target and remediate vulnerabilities on enterprise applications.
  • Detailed Vulnerability Summary: The Detailed Vulnerability Summary chapter provides detailed information on vulnerabilities detected from enterprise applications and services. Vulnerabilities are separated by vendor and filtered using vendor-specific CPE strings, which will provide a comprehensive view of the vulnerabilities impacting the network. Each element in this chapter provides detailed information about enterprise application vulnerabilities that could impact critical systems and services within the organization.