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White Paper

How to Enable Continuous PCI DSS Compliance Monitoring

Achieving compliance is difficult.

Organizations that are required to follow PCI face the challenge of achieving PCI DSS compliance by meeting the 400+ security requirements found in today’s PCI DSS Version 3.2 standard. The standard specifies a vast range of people, process and technology controls that affect the security of cardholder data. This can make it hard to know exactly what your organization's PCI compliance posture is at any given point in time.

Maintaining it is even harder.

It’s difficult to meet the hundreds of security requirements in Version 3.2 of the PCI DSS standard, but for true protection of payment card information, the bigger challenge is to not only meet, but also consistently maintain these security requirements as part of your “business as usual” activities.

Successfully achieve ongoing PCI DSS continuous compliance.

This whitepaper explains how you can adopt a PCI compliance “business as usual” approach that creates the strong, continuous security you need to effectively protect cardholder data environments (CDE).

Learn how you can use Tenable SecurityCenter Continuous View™  to:

  • Continuously monitor more than 75% of PCI DSS technical controls
  • Quickly identify when you are drifting out of compliance so you can take immediate action
  • Automate, track and efficiently manage your entire PCI security program from a central location
  • Measure and communicate the status of security program investments using terms that IT security leaders and the business understand

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